February 19, 2025



Water customers of the Hannibal Board of Public Works (HBPW):



This letter serves as notice that the HBPW is preparing to discontinue feeding fluoride into the HBPW potable water system no sooner than 90 days after the initial publication of this notice on February 19, 2025. The State of Missouri – RSMo.640.136 requires a minimum of 90 days’ notice to customers of a public water system when the water system intends to discontinue feeding fluoride into the community drinking water. Per city resolution 2534-25, the HBPW intends to consider the discontinuation of the addition of fluoride into the public water system.



On February 4, 2025, Hannibal City Council passed Resolution 2534-25, which states in part, the following:



“The City of Hannibal requests that the Hannibal Board of Public Works cease its fluoridation project, and as part of that cessation that they cease the feeding of hydrofluosilicic acid (H2SiF6) into the City of Hannibal water system.”



While the HBPW remains neutral regarding the injection of fluoride into the potable water system, we do encourage customers to educate themselves about the effects of fluoride in drinking water. The HBPW also encourages customers to provide their feedback on this topic to elected officials as well as members of the Hannibal Board of Public Works. To provide feedback online, customers can go to: https://www.hannibalbpw.org/fluoride-removal/ and submit a form that contains their valued feedback. All feedback received will be shared with the Hannibal mayor and city council as well as HBPW board members. Additionally, all customer feedback received will be reviewed prior to the scheduling of a vote after the required 90-day notice timeframe.




Darrin Gordon

General Manager

Hannibal Board of Public Works