Members of the Hannibal Board of Public Works Purchasing department are responsible for all purchasing related to projects, contracts, equipment, materials, and routine supplies.

Below you will find related information to the purchasing process as well as information for any current bidding opportunities.

The HPBW strives to provide its customers and the public with as much information as possible.  If you plan to submit a response to any open bid item, please familiarize yourself with the following information.  You may be asked to complete the following forms which can be downloaded from the links below or you can contact our office to obtain a copy.  Your request may be subject to delays for reasonable cause or may be denied, in whole or in part, under Missouri Sunshine Law as closed records, at which time you would be notified.

Hold Harmless Agreement - The document must accompany all submitted bid related documents.

Standard PO Terms and Conditions - Please review the information and feel free to ask questions for more details or clarification.

Purchasing Compliance Affidavit - This document would need to be completed for any contracts over $5,000.00.

Standard Bidding Instructions - Outlines normal bidding instructions / process

Current Items Open for Bid

None at this time.

Contact the HBPW Purchasing Department

Hannibal Board of Public Works
ATTN:  Purchasing Department
3 Industrial Loop Drive
PO Box 1589
Hannibal MO, 63401
(573) 221-8050 ext. 6029
(573) 231-7125 - fax

or you can complete the form and submit your request.

Contact the Purchasing Department