In late October, PBSA and S & A Construction started their work in repairing the severely damaged stormwater infrastructure on North Street as a result of the flood of 2019 on the Mississippi River.
The HBPW would like to provide an update on this major utility construction project that is occurring in Downtown Hannibal. Unfortunately, utility construction in streets is never a simple effort. Contingencies must always be considered as conditions below the surface of the ground are not completely known until digging and construction begins. As for this project, if conditions had been as expected, the box culvert installation would be into the park by now. Unfortunately, the construction crew has been delayed due to hitting solid rock in the bottom of their trench. This delay is largely due to the fact that the contractor has had to take extra steps in obtaining needed equipment to break down the solid rock. The construction crew is currently installing 3-4 box segments per day, which is approximately 18-24 feet. The HBPW anticipates the construction crew reaching the bend late in the week of December 8th. Construction will then continue through the park and towards Mark Twain Avenue. Once the box culvert has been installed in North Street, the construction crew will return to the northeast end of the street to install a sanitary sewer main parallel to the south side of the box culvert, which is approximately 320 feet. The projected time frame for this sanitary sewer to be installed is December 11th-18th. Once all of the underground work is complete, the construction crew will start pouring the new curb, gutter, sidewalks, and pavement. Inclement weather and unforeseen problems may cause delays in project progress. The HBPW will provide updates regarding any schedule changes as they become available.
The contractor’s projected schedule is as follows:
Remove/Replace Storm Sewer – Start Date: 10/21/24 / End Date: 12/20/24
Install Culvert – Start Date: 10/21/24 / End Date: 12/31/24
Storm Structures – Start Date: 12/13/24 / End Date: 12/22/24
Sanitary Sewer – Start Date: 12/11/24 / End Date: 12/18/24
6″ Agg Base – Start Date: 12/19/24 / End Date: 12/23/24
Curb & Gutter – Start Date: 12/26/24 / End Date: 01/03/25
Concrete Pavement – Start Date: 01/06/25 / End Date: 01/17/25
4″ Sidewalk – Start Date: 01/20/25 / End Date: 01/24/25
6″ Sidewalk – Start Date: 01/27/25 / End Date: 01/31/25
Backfill/Topsoil Respread – Start Date: 01/18/25 / End Date: 02/07/25
Seed/Mulch – Start Date: 02/10/25 / End Date: 02/15/25