HBPW Seeks Customer Feedback on Utility Services

January 5th, 2021 through March 5th, the HBPW is conducting a digital customer satisfaction survey.  The purpose of this survey is to evaluate customer opinions and levels of satisfaction regarding a variety of topics, including our COVID-19 response, customer service, field service, and utility priorities.

During these unprecedented times, we want to assure HBPW customers that we are committed to providing them with safe, reliable utility services. Customer feedback is vital to best meet their needs as public utility customers, and results from this survey will guide us in making improvements and decisions that reflect our customers’ opinions while providing essential utility services.

The survey only takes 2-3 minutes to complete, and the link is available to HBPW customers via our website, at, and posted on the Hannibal Board of Public Works Facebook page. All survey responses are anonymous, and no information will be released that any way would reveal our customers’ identities.

Direct Survey Link:

Established in 1903, the Hannibal Board of Public Works is a non-profit, division of city government that provides electric, water, and sewer services to residents living in Hannibal Missouri.
