City Council Accepts Ballot Measure: Proposition S

On April 2nd, citizens of the City of Hannibal will vote whether or not the City will move forward with the implementation of a stormwater fee structure for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, maintaining, and improving the City’s stormwater system. Ballot language reads:

Shall the City of Hannibal, Missouri, implement and maintain a separate fee schedule for the purpose of funding a utility tasked with acquiring, constructing, maintaining, and improving the City’s stormwater conveyance system?


Since June 2017, the HBPW has been working towards finding an equitable solution to fund the management of the City’s stormwater system. If approved by the citizens of Hannibal, the stormwater utility fee would allow the ability to address failing infrastructure, perform condition assessments throughout the system, have regular operations and maintenance schedules, define right of ways, and plan and implement capital projects. Citizens are encouraged to learn more about stormwater and the proposed user fee by:

  • Visiting the HBPW’s website at Here, readers can find information regarding the history of stormwater in Hannibal, environmental regulations, and read through Stormwater Utility Fee FAQ’s to better understand how a user fee would work.
  • Attending a Public Meeting. HBPW staff is scheduled to host two public meetings, March 7th, and March 28th in Council Chambers at 6:30 PM. Another educational presentation will be hosted at the Hannibal Public Library on March 26th at 6:30pm
  • Contacting HBPW Staff directly. HBPW staff is available to discuss any related questions or comments. Andrea Campbell, Stormwater Coordinator, can be reached directly at (573) 221-8050 ext. 6043.
