October 24, 2017 – Hannibal, MO – The Hannibal Board of Public Works has contracted Trekk Design Group to perform sewer capacity investigation of the sanitary sewer system in areas generally north of Pleasant Street and west of Country Club Drive on the east side of McMasters Avenue and the area generally north of Highway MM on the west side of McMasters Avenue.  The investigation will be completed in two phases, the first being completion of Smoke Testing and the second being Sump Pump Inspections. 

Smoke Testing is performed to help identify areas where unauthorized water is entering the sanitary sewer system.  Unauthorized water can cause an unnecessary load on the Wastewater Treatment Plant and could potentially cause sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) and backups into businesses or residences.  The information gained form this phase of the study will help to improve your sewer services and reduce the potential of SSOs or backups. 

During the smoke testing phase, the contractor’s inspection crews will be accessing manholes in order to introduce artificial smoke into the sewer pipes and locate defects in the sewer system.  Smoke is forced into the sewer lines where it will identify broken manholes, cross connections, and cracked mains.  The smoke vapor blown into the manholes and sewers is NON-TOXIC, HARMLESS AND CREATES NO FIRE HAZARD.  This kind of smoke leaves no residuals or stains and has no effects on plants or animals. 

To help ensure smoke does not enter your homes or business through the sewer connection, please pour 1 quart of water into each sink and floor drain to fill the trap.  Please do not close the stopper or drain, as water needs to enter the drain to fill the trap.  If smoke does enter your home or business, it is generally the result of faulty or damaged plumping connections.  Please move outside and alert the contractor staff on the street or call the number at the bottom for immediate assistance. 

We anticipate the smoke testing will require a few days in your neighborhood, but the test for your specific sewer will take approximately 30 minutes.  A few days before the smoke test is performed in your neighborhood you will be notified via door-hanger with additional instructions.  Distribution of door-hangers began Monday, October 23rd.  At no time will field staff need to enter your business or residence.

The completion of the Sump Pump Inspections requires the contractor’s employees to enter the business or residence to verify that no sumps pumps are used or that they are properly installed.  An incorrectly installed sump pump can introduce water unnecessarily into the sanitary sewer system causing the system to be overloaded.  This can result in SSOs or backups into businesses or residences.

Prior to the Sump Pump Inspection being completed, the occupant of the business or residence will be contacted by letter indicating how an appointment can be scheduled or the inspection can be scheduled through contact with one of the contractor’s field personnel.  

If you would like more information regarding the Smoke Testing or Sump Pump Inspections, please contact the HBPW at (573) 221-8050.  You can also visit our website HERE for up-to-date testing locations. 


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